The Sacrament of Confirmation
Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation, whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. "Catechism of the Catholic Church 1285"
The sacrament of Confirmation establishes young adults as full-fledged members of the faith. Recall then that you have received the spiritual seal, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the Spirit of holy fear in God's presence. Guard what you have received.
God our Father has marked you with his sign; Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has placed his pledge, the Spirit, in your heart.
View this Confirmation Video, which has been produced by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It explains the history, theology, and rite of confirmation clearly and concisely.
Teen Confirmation:
Along with Baptism and Eucharist, Confirmation sacrament represents a sealing of Baptism and the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Confirmation program is designed to help our young people explore, deepen, and strengthen the seeds of faith they were given at baptism. The candidates, themselves, are choosing the Catholic faith as a way of life.